Admission Open

9th International Yoga Day celebrated on 21st June, 2023 in Career Convent Girls P.G. College,Vikas Nagar Lucknow. This program organised by Red Ribbon Club of CCGDC. Tuesday morning at 8:00 A.M. Hall 1 is full of teachers, admin, staff and students. Our Institutional head Dr. Deepak Kumar Srivastava told about the importance of Yoga. Aacharya Kiran Saxena (Mahamantri) and Mrs. Anju Gupta (Yog Teacher) Mahila Patanjli Yog Samiti, Lucknow has demostrated many Asans  to all students and faculty members, admins and staff, like Pranayam, Anulom Vilom, Kapal Bhaati, Brahastika, Surya Namaskar and some Yogic Activites, also like Tadasana, Dhanurasan, Vakrasana etc.



Sec - 5, Vikas Nagar, Lucknow



9208907278,0522 - 2738321